Advanced Retina Institute provides specialty care for , wet macular degeneration, dry macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment, eye tumors, and uveitis, macular edema, retinal degeneration, central serous retinopathy
- retinal examinations and consultations
- Office Based Retinal Surgery
- Hospital Based Retinal Surgery at Memorial Medical Center, Modesto and Doctors Hospital
- Modesto Laser Surgery - Retina Tears and Detachment Focal Laser Panretinal - Laser Choroidal - Laser Pneumatic Retinopexy for Retinal Detachment - Vitrectomy Surgery for Macular Hole and Pucker, Scleral Buckling Surgery, Vitrectomy for Retinal Detachment
- Complete Cataract Surgery via Posterior Post for Endophthalmitis
- Surgery for Glacoma Bleb - Associated Infections
- Intravetrial Injectionsof Avastin - Intravetrial Injections of Eylea - Intravetrial Injections of Lucentis - Intravetrial Injections of Vancomycin - Intravetrial Injections of Ceftazidime
- Flourascein Angiogram Indocyanine Green Angiogram Optical CoherenceTomography
- Opthalmic Ultrasound Treatment of Wet AMD - Vitrectomy Treatment of Mascular Degeneration - Treatment of Diabetic Retinopothy - Treatment of Retinal Tears and Detachment Treatment of Uveitis - Treatment of Mascular Edema - Treatment of Retinal Vascular Disease
- Discussion of Eye Vitamns, Discussion of Antioxodents, Discusion of Omega 3 Suppliments, Discussion of Lutein, Zeaxanthin
- Rangu Chandran MD is the surgeon and founder of this practice